
Showing posts from August, 2011

Isbedel lagu sameeyay hogaanka sare ee Xarakada Alshabab

ZAKAT AL-FITR (Alms giving, Charity)

Envy is a dangerous Heart Disease, Envy, Jealousy (Hasad) (Frog Magic story)

Glorious Month of Holy Ramadan

The following points enumerate the reasons why polyandry is prohibited in Islam:

So be careful what you plant now, It will determine what you will reap tomorrow,

Four Wives Story: Why a Woman can't marry more than one Husband?

Wonderful Stories of Islam: Four Wives Story (Anecdote Illustrating Real Life

Why is a man, allowed to have more than one wife (Polygamy) in Islam?

Polygamy: According to Hindu Law

Why Polygamy (Multiple Wifes) Is Allowed In Islam?