..::: Treasure Boxes...Or Treasure Hours? :::..

There was this article I read sometime back... which I benefited from Alhamdulillah. I wanted to share it with all of you ....it's written by Imam Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali.

He wrote about self examination in which he advised everyone to check on themselves and take account and control of their own nafs before they start pointing and advising others. He gave a picture of the Day of Resurrection when a man will find all the hours of his life arranged in the form of a long series of TREASURE BOXES.

* When the lid of one will be opened it will be full of light. This represents an hour of his life which he spent in doing GOOD DEEDS. His heart would be filled with such joy due to this that even a small part of this joy will make the people of hell forget the Hell Fire for a fraction of a second.

*When the lid of another box would be opened it will be filled with pitch dark and a horrible smell...it represents an hour which he spent in doing evil deeds...this would make his heart fill with so much dread and horror that even a small of it will embitter paradise for the blessed people.

*When the lid of another treasure box will be opened it would be empty...neither dark nor light would be in it...this represents an hour which he spent doing NOTHING!! NEITHER GOOD NOR EVIL! This will fill his heart with remorse and confusion as of a man who had found a treasure but let it slip from his grasp!!

Thus the whole series of the hours of one's life would be displayed one by one in front of him.

So every morning that we get up...we should thank Allah and remind ourselves that Allah has gifted us with 24 treasure chests...which we ourselves can fill with precious gems and jewels…. the light of which would benefit us in the Hereafter....we should take heed lest we lose any one of them because we won't be able to endure the regrets that follow such loss!!"

So instead of wasting away our hours doing nothing in front of the TV or laptop we should make use of them…the least but most Precious thing that we can do is do dhikr...how long does it take to read "subhanAllah wa bi hamdi" a 100 times....or la hawla wala qu wata ill billah...,Astaghfar, etc...They are few words with tons of reward hidden in them...SUBHANALLAH.

How about reading 3-4 lines from the Glorious Quran....There's a reward of 10 good deeds for each letter you read..!!

Donot waste even a single second!!

Plant the seeds of our good deeds and reap the fruits in the Hereafter Insha Allah!! :)

Hope Allah guides us and fills our hearts with His love and His fear.

Hope He helps us to remember Him, please Him, thank Him and worship Him in the best of ways! Aameen


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