Salam Ramadan

Ramadan 2018 will begin on Wednesday, 16th May 2018 (according to Saudi Arabia) and end on Thursday, 14th June 2018. Eid ul Fitr Date will be on Friday, 15th June 2018. This is the tentative date as the actual date is contingent on the sighting of the moon of Ramadan, the 9th month in the Islamic calendar. The length of the Month varies between 29 and 30 days depending on the sighting of Shawwal Moon which leads to the festival of Eidul Fitr on 1st Shawwal.

Table of Contents:
History and Obligations
Ramadan Practices and Blessings
How to Fast?
Recite Quran Kareem
Lailat ul Qadri
Nightly prayers (Tarawih)

History and Obligations

Ramadan (also known as Ramzan, Ramadhan, or Ramathan), observed by Muslims worldwide, is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. The word itself comes from the Arabic root “ramida” which roughly translates as “Scorching Heat”. Fasting was made obligatory on all adult Muslims in the Second Year of Hijri (Migration from Makkah to Madinah of Muslims). The only people exempted from keeping a fast are the ones who are travelling, aged, pregnant, diabetic, chronically ill, menstruating or breast feeding. Many children endeavour to complete as many fasts as possible as practice for later life.

Ramadan Practices and Blessings

Ramadan, the 9th month of the Islamic Calendar, is considered one of the most blessed months in Islam. Muslims fast during this month, doing maximum Dhikr of Allah (SWT). The month of Ramadan culminates with the festive occasion of Eid ul Fitr as Muslims thank Allah (SWT), celebrating the festival with religious fervor. This month is full of celebration and festivity as the Muslims immerse themselves in reading the Quran and Duas and spending maximum time doing Dhikr. The Muslims fast the whole month as it teaches them the true meaning of perseverance and tolerance. During this month, Muslims are not only supposed to refrain from eating and drinking during the stipulated timing but they are also required to curb all negative emotions like anger and prove themselves to be the perfect Muslim. Moreover, the Quran was also completed in this month.

How to Fast?

A Fast (sawm) is kept by Muslims from dawn to sunset, timings of which varies in every region. During this time, they refrain from eating food, drinking, smoking and engaging in sexual relations. In Ramadhan, Muslims also strive hard to refrain from any sinful behaviour such as lying, cursing, false speech. The food eaten before sunrise is known as Suhoor, and the one eaten after sunset is known as Iftar. During these times, Muslims spend generously to make the food available for whole community (specially the poor one). The rewards of all Good Deeds are increased during the Month of Ramzan, whether it is praying salat or giving charity. This Hadith testifies this fact as well:

"When Ramadan arrives, the gates of Paradise are opened and the gates of hell are locked up and devils are put in chains."(Sahih al-Bukhari 1899)


Each day, before dawn, Muslims observe a pre-fast meal called the suhur. After stopping a short time before dawn, Muslims begin the first prayer of the day, Fajr. Suhur (or sahari) is the pre-dawn meal which is very important during Ramadan since that is what one’s body thrives on all day and should be carefully planned for a steady diet plan that helps you stay healthy.
Dua for Suhur


At sunset, Muslims get together for the iftar Meal to break their Fasts. Just after listening to Maghrib Athan, they recite the Iftar Dua to ask Allah for His sustenance. Dates are usually the first food to break the fast. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) broke fast with three dates according to some traditions. Here are the benefits of Dates:
Social gatherings very frequently happen at iftar. Traditional dishes are often highlighted, including traditional desserts, and particularly those made only during Ramadan.
Dua for Iftar

Recite Quran Kareem

In this Holy Month, Muslims are encouraged to Recite Al Quran. Ramadan is a month to remember this biggest blessing and source of guidance mankind was ever given. Tarawih is one of the way Muslims complete the recitation of Holy Quran which are held in Mosques. It is Mustahab (An action which is rewarded, but whose omission is not punishable) for the Muslim to read whole Qur'an during Ramadhan and to strive to complete it, but that is not obligatory. Some Muslims do it by Completing 1 Juz' each day for the 30 Days of Ramadan.
Here is the collection of some of the Verses in Quran about Ramadan
Lailat ul Qadr

Lailat ul Qadr, also called the ‘Night of Power’ is one of the most coveted nights of the Islamic Year. It is one of the last ten odd nights in the month of Ramadan and is full of blessings. It please Allah (SWT) to see the Muslims fasting during the month to please Him. This month of Ibadah ends with the Muslim festival of Eid ul Fitr.
Learn How to determine the Date of Lailatul Qadr

Nightly prayers (Tarawih)

Tarawih are the extra prayers some Muslim Communities perform at night after Isha Prayers in the Islamic month of Ramadan. They are not mandatory Prayer but are still of utmost Importance.
Tarawih Prayer


Zakat is another Pillar of Islam, and giving Charity becomes even more important during Ramadan. It is a way to purify your wealth for the will of Allah (SWT) and is payable on assets owned over one lunar year. The collected Zakat is required to be given to the poor and deserving people. You can calculate this year’s Zakat using IslamicFinder’s Zakat Calculator. In Ramadan, all good deeds are rewarded more than in any other month of the year. This is the why many people choose give Zakat (Sadqa) to poor in this Month.
Here are the Ways to be charitable in Ramadan.


Itikaf means to be in isolation in a Masjid or at home with the intention of solely dedicating your time to the worship of Allah (SWT). It is Sunnat-al-Muaqidah (Sunnah that is urged to be performed) to sit in Itikaf in the last 10 days of Ramadan. A person may commence Itikaf after sunset of 20th of Ramadan, and end it when the moon for Eid is sighted. The Sunnah stays the same if the month of Ramadan is of 29 or 30 days.


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